guysoft boosted
guysoft boosted
guysoft boosted
guysoft boosted and are back online, New shiny hard drive to replace the failed one. And a 3D printed green cyberpunk holder. With a place for future RAID has been upgraded to glitch 3.5.3+glitch

@Alamantus So I managed to fix Sorry it took forever. There was some schema issues in the db. it works now

@Alamantus Say, do you think we should scrub ?
I like it and all, but I think the mastodon instance is just too much for this, and I think it does not play well with SSL certifiactes with

cc @Paul if you have any idea why, also posting to my pleroma instance so you might catch it there

Made keto, vegan pistachio ice cream, and it tastes better than fancy ones I had outside!


Made a large pot of fish curry, out of 4 fresh gilt-head bream.
Pumpkin, kohlrabi, caramelized onion, mushrooms and spinach.
Also the "grate a zucchini and no one will notice" trick.

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

An instance for cooking and eating!