I can't believe I sat on getting MSG for so long! MSG is so magical 🤩

I made 100% buckwheat soba noodles tonight for new year's! Most of the regular soba they have at the store is at least 25% wheat flour so the noodles will bind together, but that's not good when you've got someone with a gluten allergy... Thankfully it's remarkably easy to make if you have the right stuff.


The noodles are more fettuccine-like than ramen sized since I cut them by hand, but that should be fine! I'll have to get a pasta slicer sometime.

How do people mince things without it all immediately sticking to the knife?? I watch all these shows where people are finely chopping garlic and what have you, and it just stays on the cutting board, but EVERY time I chop things the same exact way (garlic in particular), it ALWAYS sticks to the knife so much that I have to constantly wipe it off so I can continue mincing!

Is there some secret to knifework that I'm just not aware of? Or is this a universal problem that's just never shown in the videos I watch??

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

An instance for cooking and eating!