I can't believe I sat on getting MSG for so long! MSG is so magical 🤩

I made 100% buckwheat soba noodles tonight for new year's! Most of the regular soba they have at the store is at least 25% wheat flour so the noodles will bind together, but that's not good when you've got someone with a gluten allergy... Thankfully it's remarkably easy to make if you have the right stuff.


The noodles are more fettuccine-like than ramen sized since I cut them by hand, but that should be fine! I'll have to get a pasta slicer sometime.

How do people mince things without it all immediately sticking to the knife?? I watch all these shows where people are finely chopping garlic and what have you, and it just stays on the cutting board, but EVERY time I chop things the same exact way (garlic in particular), it ALWAYS sticks to the knife so much that I have to constantly wipe it off so I can continue mincing!

Is there some secret to knifework that I'm just not aware of? Or is this a universal problem that's just never shown in the videos I watch??

After receiving a chocolate shake from McDonalds that was not brown, I'm faced with the unsettling realization that flavor, strictly speaking, does not necessarily have a color.

alcohol (cocktail recipe) 

I was trying to figure out what I could do with this small batch gin we got from Costco, and I accidentally discovered a cocktail that tastes just like being in the Rocky Mountains right before it's about to snow.

1.5 oz gin (I have Hendrick's Lunar)
0.75 oz maraschino liquor
0.75 oz mixed berry syrup (I have Kodiak Cakes Mountain Berry syrup)

Fill a shaker with ice, combine the ingredients inside, cover, and shake till the shaker is frosty. Then strain out the liquid into your favorite cocktail glass and enjoy the brisk chill of the mountain air.

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Mastodon Glitch Edition

An instance for cooking and eating!